What We Do

Kwai sailed on 9 June for the Gyre, under charter to Ocean Voyages Institute. Captains Evy and Brad spent a month aboard working with the regular crew to get the ship back in shape for the planned 100 days ocean plastic recovery. Dry dock, survey, new AC electrical system, overhaul of the failed steering system, new doors and hatches, 4 engines overhauled, watermaker rebuilt, and the rig and sails were made shipshape and Kwai is ready for her work once again.

This is what we do.

Drawing on our direct experience we believe in the use of sail power to supply the remote islands of the region, and to help collect ghost fishing nets and plastic debris. These resources include real business and ship data, experiential technology in plastic recovery on small budgets, and the design and operation of commercial sailing craft.


Banner Photo © Ocean Voyages Institute